Poor matzo/matzah. It doesn't even know how to spell itself, let alone stand up to all the competition from bread. And it has nothing to do with itself after Passover ends except wait around in the cabinet hoping you'll run out of crackers in July or August and be desperate enough to use it with some cheese.
[We'll wait for you to get a Kleenex.]
So instead of letting your unused boxes of fake cardboard-bread go to waste this year, here are 10 fully-edible architecturally-sound things to build with your leftover matzo:
1. Make a matzo house "McMansion" with fruit slices and Froot Loops:
2. Make a Martha Stewart Matzo House with organic dried apricots, macaroons, fruit slices, and chocolate covered orange peels:
3. Make a Hanukkah-dreidl-Passover-gumdrop house:
4. Make a matzo house with a palm tree in front:
(Via epicurious.tumblr.com)
5. Make the "Simple" Martha Stewart Matzo House (our air-quotes):
6. Make Solomon's Temple (just kidding! don't even try this!):
(Via Bon Appetit; Credit: Erik S. Peterson)
7. Make a house-of-cards-matzo-pyramid house (while your family watches nervously):
(Via jewishjournal.com)
8. Make a happy-sad "House of Affliction" matzo house:
(Via jewishmuseummd.org)
9. Make a matzo hair salon and wait for people to come in for a cut, color, and blow-dry:
(Via jewishpress.com)
10. Make a perfect "tiny matzo house" that'll make you wonder why you still live in an actual normal-sized house:
(Via Wimshulcooks)
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