Sure. It's March and spring is in sight (though definitely not yet in the air). But while you're waiting for the big chill (<--get it?) of winter to pass outdoors, why not stage a big thaw indoors: the kind that comes from snuggling up with your main squeeze -- significant other, kiddo, dog, cat, iPad -- and watching some yummy-gooey romantic comedies. Because nothing says warm and fuzzy like great rom-coms* (that's what they're called in The Biz). What's love got to do with it? Everything. Watch these and find out why:
1. “500 Days of Summer” (2009) — Zooey Deschanel plays Summer. (That's why it's called "500 days of Summer.") Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the boy who loves her and loses her and wants her back: like really really a lot. (The fact that he works as a copywriter for a greeting card company ups the cuteness-factor by about 500.)
(Credit: Fox Searchlight)
2. “Say Anything” (1989) — Ione Skye is the High School Valedictorian and John Cusack is the underachieving kickboxer. She’s on her way to a fellowship in England, and he’s got the summer and a boom box to get her attention.
(Credit: 20th Century Fox)
3. “Annie Hall” (1977) — This is Chris Rock’s favorite romantic comedy, the one he believes started the whole genre. Woody Allen wishes for a sock of manure; Diane Keaton can’t stop saying “La di da,” and a pack of lobsters make a prison break. How does all of this fit in with the tortured-yet-funny love between them? Find out and you’ll see a Where”s Waldo? of cameos, including a super-groovy Paul Simon and an hysterically creepy Christopher Walken.
4. "Singin' in the Rain" (1952) — Gene Kelly is silent film star Don Lockwood who talks a big game: “Dignity. Always dignity.” But the truth is he’s a dancing and singing circus seal for the studios. Enter Kathy Selden, played by Debbie Reynolds, who really gives it to him for being such a ham (that just makes him fall in love with her more, natch). Probably the greatest filmed musical of all time, and a must for movie buffs who want to know how movies transitioned from silence to song.
5. “When Harry Met Sally” (1989) — Men and women can’t be friends. Discuss.
6. “The Graduate” (1967) — This one isn't technically a romantic comedy, but with lines like this between Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft, a case could be made to get it recategorized: “Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me, aren’t you?” (Um, yes, Dustin. She is.)
7. “L. A Story” (1991) — Steve Martin plays Harris Telemacher, an L.A. meteorologist looking for love. He finds it in in Sara (Victoria Tennant) whom he meets at a special luncheon with friends. But love is never easy, even when the traffic signs on the freeway are trying to help you out...
8. “Notting Hill”(1999) — Hugh Grant is Will Thacker, a bookstore owner in Notting Hill. Julia Roberts is Anna Scott, a fabulously famous movie star who just happens to wander in for a paperback. Some plot-lines and love stories practically write themselves....
9. “Love Actually”(2003) — Set in London in the five weeks leading up to Christmas. Hugh Grant (again? Yes, and he's pretty terrific) uses the voiceover technique to great effect, bringing us truly moving intertwining stories and a great song ("Love is All Around") when we needed it most: two years after 9/11. (Also: he dances around in his underwear.)
(Did we mention the dancing around in underwear?)
(Via: Tumblr.com)
10. “Crazy Stupid Love” (2011) — Two words: Ryan Gosling. 'Nuff said.
11. My Beautiful Laundrette (1985) — Because great love stories and romantic comedies don't just happen to straight people.
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