I’m not certain if scientists ever attempted to examine the rise in serotonin levels when you try on a new – and flattering! – pair of pants, or shoes, or a top. But I am certain that acquiring well-priced, awesome-fitting items of clothing triggers a highly positive effect. A little chain reaction of pure bliss. And if someone dares to think that I’m basing my claims to joy on a slim control group of made up of my lonesome self – ha, I say to you! I assure you legions of friends would be happy to aid in my science fair project, acting as proof.
After this winter of utter discontent, a winter so cold and rough that it refused to relinquish its grip of dirty, mountainous snow well after spring was announced, I want to scream if I hear talk of neutrals. No, no more sedate and staid blacks and navys and grays! I want COLOR! I NEED color (and larger CAPS). I think color might be the light at the end of this climatic tunnel. And the color I’ve been thinking this week is bright, saturated, cobalt blue.
Like so:
(Striped Top; Skater Dress; Trousers; Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses; Pump.)
(Cross Body Handbag; Knit Top; Work Dress; Casual Blazer.)
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