Sure, we love non-angry dogs not wearing any costumes. But after watching “Angry Dogs in Cute Costumes” -- yet another masterpiece from the ~~sick~~ brilliant minds at Hello Denizen (who gave us the gift of tiny hamsters eating all kinds of tiny food) -- we suddenly want our dogs pissed off and dressed like cupcakes. Why? Because who hasn’t felt like a tricked-out chump at the office, confined by the costume of conventionality and conformity? Who hasn’t wanted to shake off the controlling chains of responsibility and civility and express their true feelings?
Watch these seemingly placid pups go from wearing rainbow tutus…
and party-hats...
and lederhosen (ssssshhhh...you can hear the yodeling)...
… to raging beasts in just over a minute. Which is exactly how long it will take after watching this funny dog video for your mushroom cloud of stressful discontent to completely disappear.
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